

Name : Sr. Tincy Ackanthariyil
Parish : Mundenmudy
Date Of Birth : 28-02-1975
Date Of First Prof. : 08-02-96
Date Of Final Prof. : 04-11-01
Feast : October 01
Name : Sr. Elizabeth Nattunilath
Parish : Kuninji
Date Of Birth : 21-07-1977
Date Of First Prof. : 08-02-96
Date Of Final Prof. : 04-11-01
Feast : November 17
Name : Sr. Reena Pothanamuzhy
Parish : Mullaringad
Date Of Birth : 05-10-1972
Date Of First Prof. : 23-01-97
Date Of Final Prof. : 09-04-02
Feast : December 08
Name : Sr. Alphy Chemparathy
Parish : Muthalakodam
Date Of Birth : 03-07-1975
Date Of First Prof. : 23-01-97
Date Of Final Prof. : 09-04-02
Feast : July 26
Name : Sr. Lissa Earthadathil
Parish : Vazhathope
Date Of Birth : 15-05-1976
Date Of First Prof. : 23-01-97
Date Of Final Prof. : 09-04-02
Feast : November 17
Name : Sr. Rani Molath
Parish : Anicadu
Date Of Birth : 05-10-1977
Date Of First Prof. : 23-01-97
Date Of Final Prof. : 09-04-02
Feast : October 01
Name : Sr. Celine Mulangasseril
Parish : Vellayamkudy
Date Of Birth : 13-10-1977
Date Of First Prof. : 23-01-97
Date Of Final Prof. : 09-04-02
Feast : April 09
Name : Sr. Jyothis Pulickakunnel
Parish : Churuly
Date Of Birth : 16-05-1973
Date Of First Prof. : 29-01-98
Date Of Final Prof. : 01-11-03
Feast : December 08
Name : Sr. Tincy Kizhakkebhagam
Parish : Pothanicadu
Date Of Birth : 27-09-1975
Date Of First Prof. : 29-01-98
Date Of Final Prof. : 11-02-04
Feast : August 23