

Name : Sr. Rani Arukackal
Parish : Nellimattom
Date Of Birth : 06-01-1989
Date Of First Prof. : 15-04-10
Date Of Final Prof. : 12-04-18
Feast : October 01
Name : Sr. Abitta Olickal
Parish : Velliyamattom
Date Of Birth : 12-01-1989
Date Of First Prof. : 15-04-10
Date Of Final Prof. : 20-04-17
Feast : November 05
Name : Sr. Preethy Vaniyapurayil
Parish : Koduvely
Date Of Birth : 21-04-1988
Date Of First Prof. : 29-04-11
Date Of Final Prof. :
Feast : December 08
Name : Sr. Jasmine Mamoottil
Parish : Vannapuram
Date Of Birth : 04-06-1988
Date Of First Prof. : 29-04-11
Date Of Final Prof. : 29-04-21
Feast : December 08
Name : Sr. Rani Jose Koottungal
Parish : Perumpallichira
Date Of Birth : 17-04-1990
Date Of First Prof. : 29-04-11
Date Of Final Prof. : 24-04-18
Feast : October 01
Name : Sr. Vineetha Kozhikottu
Parish : Thommankuth
Date Of Birth : 03-05-1990
Date Of First Prof. : 29-04-11
Date Of Final Prof. : 24-04-18
Feast : February 01
Name : Sr. Ranimaria Ezhakunnel
Parish : Nediakad
Date Of Birth : 03-05-1991
Date Of First Prof. : 12-04-12
Date Of Final Prof. : 24-04-18
Feast : October 01
Name : Sr. Limy Pamplaniyil
Parish : Calvary Mount
Date Of Birth : 28-04-1989
Date Of First Prof. : 20-04-13
Date Of Final Prof. : 18-04-22
Feast : November 17
Name : Sr. Alphonsa Mechedath
Parish : Parapuzha
Date Of Birth : 13-11-1991
Date Of First Prof. : 20-04-13
Date Of Final Prof. : 18-04-22
Feast : July 28