Social Apostolate

Social Apostolate


‘’Blessed is he who considers the poor the Lord delivers him in the day of trouble.’’ (Ps.41;1- )

            Social Apostolate that aims to witness  the merciful love of Eucharistic Lord is a great need of the present time. In this modern globalized world economical growth, and new life style make human many are marginalized from the normal stream of life.   Human life becomes meaningful and fruitful when they live for others. We are called to make our life rich and fruitful by sharing our knowledge, possessions, time,love and health with others.    Our Social Work apostolate includes:

    1 The scheme to make houses for the needy.

    2 The financial aid to the poor for the marriage.

    3 The aid for the treatment of the helpless.

    4 The aid for study including professional courses.

                  We also have Welfare Institutions: 

    1. Snehalayam- Home for the aged  -  Muthalakodam

    2. Two boarding houses for girls at Kadalikad and Koduvely.

    3.  Anugraha Nikethan  Special School for mentally challenged, Pannimattom.

    4. Vimala Bhavan  for handicapped girls –Anicadu.

    5. Three tailoring Canters, Crèches and Day Care Centers.

   6. Home for Blind  – Faridabad ,Delhi.

    7. Home for Street  Children  – Ujwa,Delhi.

    8. Jesus Village for 10 families  –  Pannimattom.

    9.  Jyothirgamaya Social Work Centre with different projects and programmes.

Besides, we have helped to construct 18 Rain Water Storages with their  participation at different parishes. We provide Sintex Water tanks to the families who don’t have enough land and supply and Tailoring machines to the needy.   According to the decisions of the General Synaxis in the Year of  Mercy we have taken a housing building project for the poor and it was a real help for many families those who have no houses.  We help many sick to meet the treatment and day to day expenses. Once in a month we visit the Government Hospital  providing food and assist the patients there to receive the sacraments and take the leadership for prayer.  As Jesus says ‘whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine you did for me’ (Mat.25:40 ). thank the Lord for the same. May the Eucharistic Lord bless us all!